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Analyzing Trace Metal Concentrations in Bird Feathers using Laser Ablation

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 3, 2018 7:50:01 AM / by Teledyne CETAC posted in Laser Ablation

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Bird feathers are metabolically inert tissues that contain concentrations of trace elements. The exact concentration and makeup reflect the signature of the local environment in which the feather was grown and can help to identify birds’ geographical origins.

Arkansas State University and Water Rock Life Laboratory conducted a test using Laser Ablation–Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to study these trace metal concentrations in bird feathers. LA-ICP-MS is preferred over microwave digestion and ICP-OES due to reduced interferences that could negatively affect signal intensities. Studies have shown better ablation pits and improved spatial resolution at lower wavelengths, which confirm that the interaction of the laser with the sample is wavelength dependent. Certain biological materials such as otoliths and shells ablate better by the 213nm as opposed to 266nm. However, little is known whether bird feathers ablate better by the shorter wavelength.

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